Therapeutic Effects of Jigsaw Puzzles for Your Residents With Dementia

puzzle senior therapy

When most people think of activities for residents with dementia, jigsaw puzzles usually do not come to mind right away. But jigsaw puzzles can offer a variety of therapeutic effects for residents with cognitive impairment. Here are a few to consider:

Jigsaw Puzzles Can Be Fun

Solving puzzles can keep your residents entertained for longer periods of time. There are lots of games that residents can play while solving jigsaw puzzles. For instance, you can challenge your resident to sort puzzle pieces by color (e.g., sorting juice pieces by color), to find all the pieces with at least one straight edge (i.e., the puzzle edge pieces), and to group the puzzle pieces according to the object in the puzzle (e.g., piling all the flower pieces together, etc.).

In addition, jigsaw puzzles encourage socialization that can help eliminate isolation and loneliness that may be experienced by your residents. In fact, providing regular jigsaw activities can encourage new friendships among your residents as they work together to solve the puzzles.

puzzle pieces jigsaw

Jigsaw Puzzles Can Improve Physical Abilities

Using jigsaw puzzles that have bright colors and big pieces can assist residents with their finger dexterity while also improving their hand-eye coordination. Vivid colors stand out more, making it easier for your residents to find matching pieces. In addition, the larger pieces allow residents to easily handle them as they put the puzzle together.

Jigsaw Puzzles Can Bring Back Memories

Finding jigsaw puzzles that relate to an area of a resident’s life can help jog some of their memories. For instance, a puzzle with flowers can be memorable to someone who had a backyard flower garden. While a puzzle with a lighthouse can bring back memories to someone who used to vacation on the coast.

flower puzzle

Jigsaw Puzzles Can Be Relaxing

Relaxation is another benefit of jigsaw puzzles for residents with dementia. Afterall, spending time looking for matching pieces and putting them together can help residents get their minds off any worries they may have by focusing on the task at hand. Doing so can be very relaxing for the resident, which can ultimately reduce stress and anxiety.

Jigsaw Puzzles Can Boost Self-Esteem

Having residents work on puzzles can boost their self-esteem with each puzzle piece that they are able to assemble. Using easier puzzles with fewer pieces can assist residents with accomplishing a goal of completing a jigsaw puzzle.

New Puzzles at S&S for 2024

Garden and Animal Puzzles:

Bright and colorful flowers are featured in these puzzles, and also great for cat lovers!

cat puzzle

Scenery Puzzles:

These puzzles feature beautiful scenes that can remind residents of a trip to the family lakehouse or their old vehicles they used to own.

senior puzzles

Masterpieces® EZ Grip Puzzles

These puzzles include large pieces for easy gripping, and the themes are great for seniors to reminisce on past experiences, like going to a diner and using a soda fountain.

jigsaw puzzle reminisce

Find more ideas from Notjustbingo on the S&S blog here.

About Not Just Bingo:

senior activity ideas

Not Just Bingo is an online resource of fun, senior activity ideas for activity professionals of assisted living facilities. They have been providing fun activity ideas online since 2009, and continue to assist activity professionals across the country by creating meaningful and engaging activity ideas for their residents that go “beyond bingo.” Not Just Bingo feels privileged to help activity directors better the living experiences of their residents while demonstrating that a senior’s quality of life can actually improve when they move to a senior facility!

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