School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: Crossing-Guards are Unsung Heroes in School

There are many unsung heroes in schools across the country. One, are our crossing guards, they are on-duty rain or shine, snow or sleet to keep our students safe. Read this story about how Jim, a Maine crossing guard saved a student from being hit by a speeding car:

‘Jim the lifeguard’: Winthrop school crossing guard saves child from near miss

But that is not the entire story, you see, the little girl he saved was actually the school nurse’s daughter! I posted the news story on my Relentless School Nurse Facebook page and to my amazement, one of the school nurses commented:

Jim saved not just a child but my child. I’m the school nurse there. 👩‍⚕️ I don’t remember the last time I’ve ever been that shook! 🥹 Thank you for sharing. He really is our life guard! Heroic and senseless act needed to get recognized.

I reached out to Melissa and she generously agreed to share her story. She wanted to highlight the outstanding work of Jim, the crossing guard, now forever known as “Jim the lifeguard,” as her adorable daughter has called him all year. Melissa said that her school, in central Maine is a small, tight knit community. The school is next door to a police station, EMS and the fire department and Melissa is very grateful to have strong relationships with all of the first responders in her town. When Jim, the crossing guard is not at school, a police officer is on duty to safely cross the students. Police are often present during the morning drop-off time. An officer(s) will also do a daily safety walk through of her school. 


Read what Melissa shared, shaken to the core after the near-miss, but intent on celebrating Jim, “the lifeguard!” 

May be an image of 1 person, tree and road

We cross this main road every single school day. We have always been grateful that we have local police or the crossing guard, Jim, that stops traffic in the morning for us. 🚸
This morning was just like any other ordinary day. Jim greets us every morning with a smile. This morning we talked about how chilly it was but it’s going to get up to the 50s. Jim always walks out first, stops traffic and tells us “okay guys, go ahead.” 🌞 The sun was coming up so traffic going up the hill tends to be “blinded” but more of a reason to SLOW DOWN. We always chit chat as we are crossing but today was different; I heard a car accelerating up the hill. Within seconds, Jim jumps out in front of us, pulls Natalie back towards me and Johnny. It happened so quickly that we barely had time to react. Apparently the lady that came INCHES from hitting us had way more important things to do. Mind you, Jim was standing in the middle of the cross walk with a STOP sign in a school zone. ✋️ I was shaking and in tears [still am]. So glad we are all okay.
Natalie used to always call Jim the “life guard” and we would always laugh and say “Nat, it’s a crossing guard.” Well I think she’s right, Jim is our life guard! I think that will now be our title for him. [Chills]
I have already thanked and hugged Jim….but If you are reading this, please know that a thank YOU doesn’t seem enough. We are eternally grateful for the heroic act that happened this morning. Thank you for being that caring hand and comforting smile for those that need it to and from school. It doesn’t go unnoticed.
So when you are out there today (& every day), thank those unseen heroes that show up every day to protect our community, but most importantly, our babies!
⚠️ Be extra aware of your surroundings was a teaching moment for us this morning. Don’t let your guard down, even when you think people are going to do the right thing, like slowing down in a school zone!
Let’s remember to thank all of the unsung heroes who care for our students every single day. Jim, you are a “lifeguard” for sure! There is so much goodness in this story and I am committed to sharing wonderful school nursing stories in an effort to spotlight our colleagues, but more importantly to spread positivity.  If you have a story to share from your health office or school community, please email me at:

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