School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: Share the Student Pledge Against Gun Violence

The Student Pledge Against Gun Violence or “I Pledge” is an important opportunity to involve students in school safety through the power of a promise to never settle disputes with a gun. According to the K12 School Shooting Database, the majority of school shootings are from an escalation of disputes. Effective school safety measures should be layered and include the voice of the community, especially the students. By inviting students of all ages to sign a pledge to resolve matters non-violently, we are encouraging civility and building a sense of community.

What kind of world do we want to create for our children, our students, our communities? We need to learn to live safely in a country where guns outnumber people by almost 100 million. School nurses can introduce the “I Pledge” initiative to school districts 

“I Pledge” is more than just a campaign—it’s a resounding call for change, a beacon of hope in the face of a sobering reality that gun violence is the number one cause of death of children and teens. Though the prevalence of school shootings remains relatively rare, the easy accessibility of guns to people of all ages creates fear and uncertainty in our schools and communities. 

The Student Pledge is a symbol of empowerment and solidarity. It provides a safe and non-political platform for young people to engage in crucial conversations about gun violence and the importance of adopting non-violent conflict resolution methods. With its rich array of curriculum suggestions, awareness-building activities, and student leadership opportunities, the program equips the next generation with the tools and knowledge to foster positive change within their communities.

To learn more about the Student Pledge Against Gun Violence program and join the cause, visit or reach out to the organization at 112 Nevada Street, Northfield, MN 55057. Together, let’s be the change that our world desperately needs.




Download the Pledge:

Pledge in English for older students
Pledge in English for younger students

Prometo en Español para estudiantes mayores
Prometo en Español para estudiantes más jóvenes

Bilingual Pledge for older students
Bilingual Pledge for younger students

Pledge logo in high resolution


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