School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: The Hypocrisy of “Thoughts and Prayers” in 60 Seconds

The “Thoughts and Prayers” video by Mothers for Democracy highlights the hypocrisy of offering thoughts and prayers without taking tangible action, particularly in the context of gun violence. The video portrays individuals choosing to pray instead of intervening to save a drowning child, symbolizing the inaction of gun reform. The ad emphasizes the need for concrete measures to address gun violence, rather than relying solely on expressions of sympathy.

The video has garnered attention for its powerful message, urging individuals to demand gun reform and take meaningful action to protect children. The ad has been widely shared and has sparked discussions about the role of “thoughts and prayers” in the context of addressing societal issues, particularly gun violence.

Here is how Mothers for Democracy describes the impetus for this powerful ad:

“Thoughts and Prayers” is the debut video by Mothers for Democracy. It points out the hypocrisy of people who say “thoughts and prayers” while going on with their lives as if nothing has happened. They would rather stand around and say “thoughts and prayers” instead of saving children’s lives. Thoughts and Prayers remind us that without “action” we will never address the biggest issue of our time. The number one killer of children is not drowning, cancer, or car wrecks. It is guns. And we have waited years for politicians and leaders to do something. American Mothers and Others are tired of the lack of action on behalf of what most Americans want regarding gun reform. We joined other survivor organizations to do something about it. Our families but especially our children do not have to live this way. It is time to act! So join our organizations in stepping up and saying “We Demand Gun Reform NOW!”



2 thoughts on “The Relentless School Nurse: The Hypocrisy of “Thoughts and Prayers” in 60 Seconds”

  1. Gut punch……Brilliant! Less is more in this enormously powerful video. Might even make a person consider the idea that gun reform might not be as complex as it is presented to be. Mothers for Democracy makes the argument for ACTION clear as a bell. I’m joining now and then I’m going to do step 2…..writing to my legislators, maybe the newspaper too. ACTION.

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