Resources for home learning during Coronavirus

So we’re on week 8 of home learning over here in Hong Kong (WEEK 8!), and though this situation has been challenging to say the least, we’ve settled in a bit and have learned a few things along the way. I’ve received several emails from teachers around the world trying to adjust to this new normal, so I thought I would share my response with some of the resources I’ve been using to help the kiddos adjust- and adapt my curriculum to address this very big health issue we’re all dealing with right now.

Hi Kristin,

Nice to hear from you! Thanks so much for reaching out. I’m trying to put together a more comprehensive list of lessons and units for folks that I’ve used over the last few weeks. In the meanwhile, here are a few things I’ve used so far.

One big area of focus for for us has been evaluating and locating valid resources and information- NHES 3- accessing information. Especially with all of the false information out there about the virus on social media, it’s such an important skill to reinforce.

A couple of resources I’ve found helpful so far:

1. Brain Pop! They’ve got a new video about Coronavirus, which I watched together with my 6th grade students. Then I did the quiz with them and discussed, all on Zoom. Then on their own, I had them watch some of the videos about puberty and personal health and explore all of the resources. Here’s an easy doc where I have them jot down key points. 

2. For 7th and 8th grade (and I’d recommend this for HS too!)- Choices magazine- Fact check the Internet– and here are the questions that go along with it.

3. Then they watched Navigating Digital Info with John Green– this is a great video series- I had my 7th and 8th gr. watch the one on social media.

4. I’ve also had my 6th gr. plan a family field trip once cabin fever starts to set in and the self quarantines have been lifted.I’ve also given students daily journal prompts and had them download the Smiling Mind app for free meditations. Then they have to send me a reflection about how it’s going with that.Sample journal prompt: 

The World Health Organization- the health agency of the U.N.- is saying that in addition to the Coronavirus, they are fighting an “infodemic”, meaning that they are fighting against false information and rumors about the Coronavirus that are quickly spreading online.

Why do you think this is such a big issue for the W.H.O.? Where have you been getting your information about the virus? How are you sure that the information you’re getting is correct?

More hints and tips in the classroom...


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