School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: All School Nurses Can Participate in NASN Virtual Hill Days 2023


All school nurses are welcome and encouraged to participate in NASN Virtual Hill Days 2023! Political advocacy is part of our scope of practice. Here is an opportunity from NASN, complete with a step-by-step guide to accessing our elected officials. Our voices are strong, clear, and impactful when we join together with a unified message about the health and safety of our students and school communities. We are at a tipping point friends, there are specific actions we can take individually and collectively to influence public policy!

There are three days of Virtual Hill Days, each with specific actions that can be taken! Thank you NASN for creating this user-friendly guide to action. I look forward to participating and invite the readers of this blog to join me. Please share your experiences and tag NASN in your social media posts. Use:  #VHillDays2023 #NASNHillDays #4studenthealth

The content of this blog was accessed directly from NASN

Virtual Hill Days
Tool Kit
July 18, 19 & 20, 2023

School nurses are the essential bridge between the healthcare and education systems, serving as frontline healthcare providers. They act as public health sentinels, not only for schools but also for their communities. For under-resourced communities, the school nurse may be the only healthcare provider a child sees. School nurses are vital in monitoring infectious diseases, identifying and addressing students’ physical and mental health needs, and conducting health screenings and school-located vaccinations and immunization compliance efforts.

Participating in NASN’s Virtual Hill Days can help create momentum and support for the NURSE Act, reintroduced on May 10, 2023, National School Nurse Day, by Congressperson Dina Titus (NV-01). This legislation aims to help schools hire registered nurses by creating a grant program through the U.S. Department of Education. This advocacy will demonstrate that every school should have a school nurse on staff every day. You can show your support by tweeting, emailing, or calling your Member of Congress and Senators using the provided sample messages or your own on July 18, 19, and 20.

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