School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: Can School Nurses Prevent Shootings? These Nurses Think So

There are often unexpected, but welcome surprises in my email. Here is one that led to an article in The Trace, whose tagline is, “The only newsroom dedicated to covering gun violence.” I was familiar with The Trace and was thrilled to read the invitation for Laurie Combe, and me to talk with journalist, Chip Brownlee. I am including Chip’s email because it illustrates how an article in NASN School Nurse can reach a much wider audience than I ever imagined. 

Dear Robin,

My name is Chip Brownlee. I’m a reporter at The Trace, a nonprofit news organization that covers America’s gun violence crisis. In addition to covering federal firearms policy, I write The Trajectory, a newsletter about gun violence solutions.
I’m reaching out to see if you might be interested in speaking with me for an article. I saw your piece in the NASN journal on how school nurses can reduce firearm injuries and your previous article from 2019 on gun violence. I think you make some excellent points about nurses being key partners in preventing gun violence before it happens. I’d love to get your thoughts on this subject and share it with our readers.
Let me know if you’re interested in chatting. 
All the best,
Chip Brownlee

Laurie and I had a productive conversation with Chip that resulted in the article linked below. It is hopeful and encouraging to know that the message of the expanded role of school nursing in gun violence prevention is reaching a wider audience.

Can School Nurses Prevent Shootings? These Nurses Think So. More than 95,000 school nurses serve millions of students every year, and they could play a role in preventing violence.

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