Drowning in the Shallow 2021-in-review

“It is in this sense that physical education should be regarded as educative, and the end goal of physical education should not be proficiency in sport, not trying out many different activities, not learning sport techniques, not learning how to cooperate, or not more physical activity, even if these things could be part of PE practice. The end goal of physical education should instead be more education, more physical education, and thus the capacity for further physical education.” – Mikael Quennerstedt
Top 10 read posts in 2021Top 10 read posts written in 2021
What is a ‘constraints led approach’? (2016) A constraints led approach is a relatively new approach to skill acquisition. By manipulating constraints in highly specific and systematic way we can educate a performers attention to perceptual information or encourage them to come up with a different movement solution.PE as a ‘knowledge rich’ subject A response to OFSTEDs position that the content of PE is movement and that an ambition PE curriculum should be knowledge rich. I agree that movement and moving is rich with knowledge, but have concerns over what knowledge is prioritised.
4 domains of learning in Physical Education – Refined  (2016) This post explores how I tried to develop a coherent and clear language around four learning domains within Physical Education so that both teachers and pupils could understand. This is an ongoing process in developing a holistic curriculum within PE.Implementing the features of meaningful PE MPE is more than a checklist approach used to validate our practice. It is a relational approach, which can help children become more aware and attuned to finding personally significant relationships with PE, with their bodies and with culturally important forms of movement.
4 domains of learning in Physical Education (2015)
Physical Education is a contested subject and will always remain to be so. Should we PE Teachers focus on the physical, or should we focus on the education? A Twitter survey of PE Teachers on what makes a good student of PE suggests that the education is held in higher regard than the physical.
Start with who Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle asks us to start with why and understand our purpose with clarity. For me this can only be achieved in PE if we are also attentive to the children and the community we serve and seek out ways of better understanding them.

A Models Based Approach to PE: Cooperative Learning (2016) An overview of how I have tried to move away from a traditional DEP (demonstrate, explain and practice) style of teaching athletics to one that was underpinned by the benchmarks of cooperative learning.The Elephant and The Rider explores Jonathan Haidt’s metaphor about decision making and whether it is reason or emotion that drives our physical activity choices. Is a PE that focuses on providing prudential knowledge about physical activity for the Rider the best way to prepare children for lifelong movement?
Meaningful Experiences in PE: Guiding Principles (2018) I’m increasingly convinced that for the children ito become physical educated they need to find meaning in forms of movement. These are my guiding principles to attend to the creation of meaningful experiences within physical educationWhat is “personally relevant learning” in PE? Personally relevant learning is a critical feature of MPE, but is often misconceived as allowing children to choose what they want. This post tries to clarify what it is and how we might best facilitate in PE lessons.
Bringing down the wall (2015) A personal post about being a teacher and having a relationship with a teacher and what happens if you don’t take car to ensure teaching doesn’t overtake both your lives.Alignment On social media there is often debate whether the what of PE or the how of PE is the most important. I put forward the case that it is alignment between the why, what and how that is important to provide coherence for children and rest of the school community.
A bluffers guide to non-linear pedagogy (2016)
In 2016 I was reading a lot and part of my reading brought me to non-linear pedagogy. This is an attempt to get my head round the basics and collect a number of resources such as academic literature, video, lesson plans and commentary on the approach by PE teachers and sports coaches as a future reference source.
Where next for meaningful PE? As I continue to advocate for MPE as a contemporary approach to PE, I need to ensure that I do not get trapped into self confirmatory thinking by asking challenging questions. This post is a overview of Steph Beni’s and mine presentation at AIESEP 2021.
A Tactical Games Approach – Revisited (2020) Returning to an older post on rugby, I have attempted to refined thinking and practice. This has been done by drawing on the work of Mitchell et al (2013) and elements of gamification.Making the tacit explicit Teaching PE is not the same as teaching teachers to teach PE. Much of our knowledge as PE Teachers is tacit, which makes it difficult to share with others. This is an attempt in which to articulate my own practice for novice teachers.

A models based approach to PE: Sport Education (2014) This post is an overview of how I implemented Sport Education into the curriculum and has links to documents that can help the novice teacher attempt to use this pedagogical model for the first time
A strength based approach to PESA A deficit perspective of PE, school sport and school based physical activity is one that sees the child as broken and in need of being fixed. A strength based approach challenges that perspective, and therefore our practice within PE.
The physically educated person (2019) Whilst there is a lot of talk about physical literacy, my own personal belief is that we should use the term ‘the physically educated person’ not just in PE but beyond.
Making the abstract concrete PE is positioned as a way of teaching important transferable dispositions, such as resilience, cooperation and communication. However these are abstract and vague, especially to children, and we must look to make these explicit, observable and positive if we want any chance to teach them successfully.
The previous Drowning in the Shallow Reviews can be found here.

Once again thank you to those who have read, commented, challenged and critique. The investment of your time into my understanding and development is greatly appreciated. Wishing you all the best for a healthy, happy and prosperous 2022.

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