School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: The Significance of Returning to In-Person Conferences

Eileen Gavin is President of the New Jersey State School Nurse Association (NJSSNA) and she has an important message to share about the significance of returning to in-person school nursing conferences. Her message is heartfelt and aims to encourage the return of in-person attendance as a way to reconnect and regroup. We spend so much time in isolation as school nurses, that when given an opportunity to convene face to face, it can be healing and bolster our resilience. I am sharing Eileen’s message because it resonates with school nurses across the country and is a call to connect, something that we all need! 


Dear Valued School Nurse Community:

I am Eileen Gavin, President of NJSSNA, writing to extend a heartfelt invitation to you and your school nurse colleagues to join us (click the blue registration link) for the  2024 NJSSNA Spring Conference on March 15-16th at the Heldrich in New Brunswick. Our annual conference brings the quality of a national conference to our state. This year continues a tradition many years in the making as we come back in person for the second time since COVID. Our theme: School Nurses Make the Impossible, Possible! We have two honored guests joining us from the National Association of School Nurses (NASN); Terri Hinkley, the new CEO will be with us, and Lynn Nelson, President-elect of NASN is speaking at a general session on March 16th.  

NJSSNA Spring 2024 serves as a pivotal platform for school nurses across the state to come together, share knowledge, and foster a sense of community. This year’s conference promises to be an enriching experience, offering insightful sessions, networking opportunities, and the chance to reconnect with colleagues in person.

As we navigate the post-pandemic landscape and grasp the full extent of its effects on our field, the chance to gather in person takes on profound significance. We understand the importance of face-to-face connections, the power of shared experiences, and the unity that comes from being physically together. These interactions not only enrich our professional abilities but also strengthen the bonds that make our community resilient and supportive.

Additionally, I would like to take this opportunity to express our commitment to fostering a supportive environment within NJSSNA. By adopting “The Huddle” model, an evidence-based communication tool in nursing that emphasizes engagement, positivity, recognition, and nurse-led solutions. By using this model, we aim to empower school nurses to collaborate effectively, share best practices, and ultimately improve student health outcomes. This approach aligns with best practices in healthcare communication and teamwork, ensuring that our association continues to evolve positively in its mission to support school nurses across New Jersey.

I look forward to welcoming you and your colleagues at the conference and embracing the opportunity to reconnect in person.

Warm regards,

Eileen Gavin

P.S. You can read more about “The Huddle” in this article, published in NASN School Nurse:

Schatz M, Bergren MD. The Huddle: A Daily Dose of Communication. NASN School Nurse. 2022;37(2):76-78. doi:10.1177/1942602X211056371

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