The Benefits of Playing Board Games for Kids

Whether it is an after-school program, a summer camp, day care or any other place a bunch of kids have free time, board games are great way for kids to have fun and learn various skills along the way! So, shutoff the WiFi connections, take out the AirPods, put the tablets and phones away and get your group playing games! Some of the benefits are highlighted below. 

Social Skills

Whether it is the latest version of Candy Crush, Fortnite or Clash of Clans, just about everyone plays games on their phone and or online. While these games can be entertaining (perhaps even addicting!), they tend to be isolating. Multiplayer board games require kids to learn to interact with one another. Communication, reading, cooperation and even reading body language are key components to many games. 

Building Friendships and Bonds

Games are a great way to bring kids together. Playing a game is an easy way for kids that don’t know each other to interact and converse. After playing a game together kids will have a common bond to build upon for future interactions. 

jenga maker

Life Skills

Games offer tons of opportunities for learning life skills like patience, waiting your turn, following rules, staying seated, working as a team, negotiating and of course how to be a graceful winner or loser!    

Brain Building

A Business Insider article stated “Games have been found to change the brain structurally and functionally, according to many scientific studies. They can promote neurogenesis – the growth of new neurons in the brain. They can also promote neuroplasticity – changes in neural pathways and synapses that lead to structural changes in the brain. These changes result in new brain cells and better connectivity among the different brain regions, thus enhancing mental skills such as memory, attention span, spatial intelligence, language learning ability and coordination.” 

scrabble board game

Stress Reducing

Having fun while playing a board game can be a great way to take a kids mind off any trouble they might be having in their homelife, in school or elsewhere. 

board games benefits

Academic Skills

Many games require and help build a variety of skills. For example, counting, deductive reasoning and logic, math (any game with money), spelling, and engineering. See below for some games suggestions in each category. 


Deductive Reasoning and Logic



Basic Engineering

board games for groups

Check out one of our other blog posts on some great outdoor games to play with groups of kids!   

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