School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: The Importance of Recognizing Nursing as a STEM Field


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It is hard to believe that the #Nursing profession is not officially recognized as a STEM field. How could that be possible? Nursing is a field that is deeply rooted in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), yet it has historically been overlooked as a STEM profession. 

Recognizing nursing as a STEM field is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Acknowledging the Rigor of Nursing Education: Nursing education requires a strong foundation in scientific disciplines such as anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and pharmacology. Nurses must also master the use of advanced medical technologies, apply engineering principles to operate and maintain equipment and utilize mathematical concepts for medication dosage calculations and patient monitoring. Recognizing nursing as a STEM field would highlight the academic rigor and technical expertise required to become a nurse.
  2. Attracting Diverse Talent: Categorizing nursing as a STEM field could help attract more students, particularly those with a strong interest in science and technology, to the nursing profession. This could help address the ongoing nursing shortage and bring more diversity to the field, which has traditionally been dominated by women. 
  3. Increased Funding and Resources: STEM fields often receive more funding and resources for education, research, and innovation. By recognizing nursing as a STEM discipline, nursing programs and research initiatives could become eligible for additional grants and support, which could lead to advancements in nursing practice and patient care. 
  4. Enhancing the Perceived Status of Nursing: Historically, nursing has been viewed as a more “feminine” and “caregiving” profession, rather than a highly technical and scientific one. Recognizing nursing as a STEM field could help elevate the perceived status of the profession and challenge these outdated stereotypes. This could lead to better recognition, respect, and compensation for nurses. 
  5. Promoting Interdisciplinary Collaboration: As a STEM field, nursing would be better positioned to collaborate with other STEM disciplines, such as medicine, engineering, and computer science. This interdisciplinary approach could foster innovation, improve patient outcomes, and address complex healthcare challenges more effectively. 
But there is hopeful news, two powerful nursing organizations have joined forces to change the narrative! In an exciting development for the nursing profession, Nursing Is STEM, a coalition dedicated to securing STEM designation for nursing, and the Commission for Nurse Reimbursement, a body committed to modernizing nurse reimbursement, have announced a groundbreaking partnership. This collaboration is set to pave the way for a sustainable future for nurses by focusing on professional development, economic empowerment, and advancing nursing as a critical STEM discipline.

The collaboration empowers nurses and reinforces their pivotal role in healthcare, advocating for better reimbursement models and providing professional development and continuing education programs. Both organizations are looking for nurses and other professionals to support their missions and join their efforts. You can sign up here for the Commission’s mailing list to receive newsletters to stay up to date on events, progress towards reimbursement changes, and opportunities to get involved. The Nursing is STEM Coalition is seeking healthcare organizations, educational institutions, and individuals to sign onto the coalition here.

About Nursing Is STEM Nursing Is STEM is a coalition of nursing professionals and interdisciplinary partners advocating for the recognition of nursing as a STEM discipline. Through its efforts, Nursing Is STEM aims to expand the nursing workforce, introduce the field to diverse populations, and secure funding for nursing education.

About the Commission for Nurse Reimbursement The Commission for Nurse Reimbursement aims to modernize nurse reimbursement practices to ensure the sustainability of the nursing profession. By advocating for policies recognizing the value of nursing care, the Commission strives to improve patient outcomes and support the growth and development of nurses across the healthcare system. – retrieved from – Nursing Is STEM and the Commission for Nurse Reimbursement Announce Strategic Partnership to Empower Nurses and Secure the Future of Nursing

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