School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: Personal News – My New Heart Arrived at 3:00 AM


My new heart came in the form of my first grandchild, a beautiful baby girl named Nora. She arrived at 3:00 am Saturday, November 18th.  Little Nora came into this world with the sweetest smile on her face. My daughter Allie, Jill’s twin sister, and I were on the support team for Jill, Nora’s mom, and Andrew, Nora’s dad during the long, hours of labor. It was a family bonding time that I will never forget. 

We waited patiently and then impatiently for Nora to find her way out. The birthing process is a marathon as someone reminded me around the 36th hour. Our little Nora was born and so was my new heart. 

This tiny, precious baby girl came into a world filled with its share of problems. Holding Nora for the first time, a sense of responsibility tugged at me, urging me to continue the work I have started, to make a safer and more peaceful future for this little one.

Looking into those innocent eyes, I felt a resolve to co-create a world where their laughter could drown out the noise of conflict, and their steps would lead to lasting peace. I silently committed to working for a reality where compassion prevailed over cruelty and understanding overcame ignorance.

The call for peace wasn’t just for my generation; it was a legacy to be passed on. With my new “heart” in the form of a new life, I will continue this journey to build a world where love will outshine hate and safety will be achieved as a sacred human right. Nora’s great-grandmother gave her the blessing that Nora would be one of the children who bring peace to our world.

For all people who care deeply about our children and our children’s children let’s create a reality where the joyous cries of a new life will drown out the echoes of violence—a world worthy of this new heart that arrived at 3:00 am.


5 thoughts on “The Relentless School Nurse: Personal News – My New Heart Arrived at 3:00 AM”

  1. So happy for you! Nora will change your life! Embrace every moment! And a perfect time of year. . so much to be thankful for! xoxo Donna

  2. I too just held my first granddaughter who is now 4 1/2 months old and felt the weight of concern in my heart wondering if the world will be a kind place for this new wonderful life. Holding your grandchild in your hands at birth and realizing a little of your DNA is inside and hoping that she can have peace, love, and courage to thrive and excel is my dream for her. I am happy to assist you in any way to place our country/world a safer place. Amen.

  3. Congratulations!!! Thanks for sharing your joy so eloquently. Wishing your family the very best of health and happiness.

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