School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: A Return to School Toolkit Centered on The #UrgencyOfEquity


The contents of this blog post were retrieved from The Urgency of Equity

The #UrgencyofEquity Toolkit was developed by a coalition of public health experts and grassroots organizations to help educators, parents, and communities advocate for safer, equitable schools, and separate fact from fiction about COVID-19 protections. 


Who is this toolkit for?

The toolkit was designed with educators, administrators, parents, students, and community members in mind. It was developed by public health experts and informed by the latest research and guidance from leading health organizations. It contains practical, up-to-date information; research summaries; and graphs and visuals to aid in making decisions that result in a healthy and safe school environment for everyone.

What is #UrgencyOfEquity?

More than two years into the pandemic, we have the knowledge and means to effectively reduce viral transmission and to keep our communities as safe as possible. Yet we’ve fallen far short. 

We cannot accept a “normal” that includes continued, inequitable COVID-19 illness, disability, and death. Instead, we can and must keep schools and communities safe while establishing an ethical “normal”: one that values the lives of our most vulnerable neighbors.

The Urgency of Equity toolkit provides accurate, up-to-date, substantiated information to help schools and communities make decisions that will keep ALL members of school communities safer. It recognizes that collective, not individual, approaches are necessary to protect our communities.

Can my organization endorse this toolkit?

The #UrgencyofEquity Toolkit was developed by a coalition of public health experts and grassroots organizations. Organizations and individuals can endorse this toolkit, and sign on to receive updates on how to use the toolkit to advocate for safer, more equitable schools. Please use this form:

Urgency Of Equity Toolkit

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