School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: An Open-Source (Free) Textbook Makes the Science of “Youth Suicide, Prevention & Accessible”

I support the practice of making scientific knowledge accessible to all, especially when it comes to critical topics like suicide prevention.  Promoting widespread access to scientific knowledge is crucial to foster an understanding of effective practices in suicide prevention and the policies that drive systemic change. That’s why I encourage you to check out this newly released open-source (free!) textbook:

Open-source articles and textbooks like this one can empower individuals, professionals, and policymakers to work together and make a difference in suicide prevention. Let’s ensure that vital information reaches a broader audience and fosters positive change in our communities. 

This newly released text has multiple chapters dedicated to suicide prevention in school settings:

Open-source articles democratize scientific knowledge by removing barriers to access, promoting inclusivity and collaboration, and driving evidence-based decision-making. Hopefully, this practice will continue to grow as awareness of the benefits is shared, it is likely that more researchers, institutions, and publishers will embrace this practice. 

1 thought on “The Relentless School Nurse: An Open-Source (Free) Textbook Makes the Science of “Youth Suicide, Prevention & Accessible””

  1. Excellent overview of drills and effects on students. We need more research that is evidence based. But in the meantime, preparedness is the cornerstone of nursing. A balance is going to include the school nurse being able to go into warm zones after an event, to save lives. Many resources including Stop the Bleed, Homeland Security and state initiatives. Point-school nurses must have the supplies they need, and the training to use these supplies. It is the School’s ER!

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