School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: A New Grandmother’s Wish


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My granddaughter Nora Cleo made her much-awaited entrance right before Thanksgiving. I find that my new heart beats outside my chest for this little one and despite having much work to do, my mind wanders to thinking of her, and the future of this next generation. New babies bring new beginnings and renewal of hope for a world filled with peace and connectedness.

I think about the amalgamation of heritages this little girl has inherited, each one rich with culture and diversity of religion, race, and nationality. She truly is an example of the American Dream, the one where immigrants come from different countries to find a safer, happier life with more opportunities for themselves and their children. I specifically use the term amalgamation because it refers to the blending of cultures versus eliminating or mixing into another culture. 

Amalgamation refers to a blending of cultures, rather than one group eliminating another (acculturation) or one group mixing itself into another (assimilation). – Miriam Webster Dictionary

Nora is a perfect example of the melding of gene pools from generations of immigrants from Poland, Russia, Iran, Cuba, Spain, France, and America. Many of Nora’s ancestors, even her grandparents, other than me, were new immigrants to this country as teenagers. America welcomed them, but they have all faced their share of discrimination and “othering.” 

For our family, my granddaughter has become the embodiment of a cherished dream, a symbol of unity, and a testament to the strength found in diversity. As I hold her in my arms, I am filled with awe that baby Nora is a living mosaic of cultures that have weathered trials, embraced new beginnings, and yearned for a better life.

In this embrace of diversity, Nora symbolizes the true essence of the American Dream—a dream that welcomed immigrants from different corners of the world, promising a haven of safety, happiness, and boundless opportunities. She is the beautiful result of cultures blending harmoniously, enriching one another without losing their unique identities.

As my thoughts meander through the tapestry of Nora’s lineage, I am reminded of the resilience of those who came before her. Many of her ancestors, including her grandparents, arrived on these shores as teenagers, seeking refuge and a chance for a brighter future. They faced discrimination and the challenges of being labeled as the ‘other,’ yet they persevered, contributing to the diverse fabric of this great nation.

Amid a world that is senselessly divided, Nora serves as a beacon of hope. She represents the possibility of understanding, acceptance, and unity. With each beat of my rejuvenated heart, I am filled with gratitude for the chance to witness her growth and contribute to shaping a world that embraces differences.

As we welcome Nora into this world, we also welcome the promise she carries—a promise of a future where love triumphs over hatred, where diversity is celebrated, and where each individual is valued for the unique threads they bring to the human tapestry. In the cradle of Nora’s innocence, we find inspiration to build bridges instead of walls, fostering a world of peace and connectedness for generations to come.





4 thoughts on “The Relentless School Nurse: A New Grandmother’s Wish”

  1. When you wrote last week that you got a new heart, I thought, “yes you sure did and it beats outside of your body……”. Nora looks so precious and beautiful and LOVED!

  2. I too am a new grandmother. Our precious boy has two moms and blends two different races. He is perfect. I too pray for a safe world for our grandkids to grow up in. Maybe they will be the ones to bring harmony and peace to the world. Blessings from mid-Missouri.

    1. Congratulations on the birth of your new grandson. I told my daughter yesterday that I don’t remember the last time I felt this much joy. Let’s hold onto our group belief that these new souls will bring bring harmony and peace into this upside down world.

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