Animal Themed Games for the Classroom

Try these animal themed games in your classroom or program! These are great for brain breaks and to get students up and moving. You can also plan some crafts and other themed ideas to go along with the games.

Cat and Mouse

Everyone but two people forms a circle standing far enough away from each other so that a person can safely run past them on either side. They must also be close enough to reach the hand of the people on either side of them. One of the people outside of the circle is the cat and the other is the mouse. They will begin on opposite sides of the circle. When the game starts, the cat tries to catch the mouse. If either the cat or the mouse runs through one of the spaces in the circle, the space gets closed. This is done by holding hands. The game goes on until all the spaces are closed or one or the other gets trapped inside the circle.

More themed ideas:

Beat the Bunny

The bunny (small ball) is started first and is passed from person to person around the circle. When the bunny is about half way around, the farmer (large ball) is started in the same direction. The farmer can change directions to try and catch the bunny, but the bunny can only go one way, until the farmer changes direction.

More themed ideas:

Fox and the Rabbit

Have the group form a circle. Hand a ball out to two people on opposite sides of the circle. Designate which ball is the fox and which is the rabbit. Explain that each ball is like a hot potato and should not be held for more than one second. The object of the game is for the fox to catch the rabbit. Both the fox and the rabbit move by being passed (not thrown) around the circle in any direction. If a student is holding the fox they should pass the ball to the person next to them, whomever is closer to the rabbit. Those players holding the rabbit should pass to someone farther away from the fox. When the fox catches the rabbit start a new round.

More themed ideas:

Mystery Creature

Write the names of several different animals on the small sheets of paper. Stick an animal to the forehead of one student, not allowing him/her to see what’s written. The student then asks yes or no questions to try and guess the animal that’s been assigned. Examples: “Am I big?” “Do I have scales?” “Am I a mammal?”

More themed ideas:

Snake’s Tail

The group will line up single file and place their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them. On the word “GO” the person in the front of the line tries to catch the person at the back of the line. The line cannot come apart. Rotate the group from front to back or back to front for each round of play. Once the group has caught their own tail once or twice, have them try to catch the tail of a different “snake.”

More themed ideas:

View the full PDF of animal themed ideas here!

Activity Guide Animal Themed Games

About the Author:

Jason Schaitz, MBA, CPRE, is a Parks and Recreation Director with over 15 years’ experience coordinating youth programs, camps, sports, and recreation activities. He also created and manages The Summer Camp Source with the goal of providing free high quality resources for any type of camp, youth recreation or childcare program. Take your program to the next level by visiting our website for free resources and education!

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