School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: NASN Hill Day 2024 – Amplifying Our Collective Voice

Every winter NASN holds the Winter Board of Directors meeting in Washington, DC. The three-day meeting culminates with school nurses from across the country converging on Capitol Hill to meet with our lawmakers. It is a powerful lesson in advocacy and I will never lose the feeling of awe walking the halls of Congress. I also feel a tremendous sense of purpose and privilege having opportunities to speak to Representatives, Senators, or their staffers about the work of school nurses and our impact on student well-being.

I want to give a big shout-out to NASN CEO and fellow New Jersey resident, Terri Hinkley, who accompanied me on Hill Day! We had three productive meetings with staffers from Senator Corey Booker, Congressman Donald Norcross, and Congressman Andy Kim’s offices. It is an honor to serve as the NASN Director for the New Jersey State School Nurses Association.

As NASN directors, our participation during Hill Day is focused on amplifying the collective voice of the school nursing community. Together, we form a united front, enhancing the impact of our advocacy efforts and increasing the likelihood that policymakers notice and consider the perspectives and needs of school nurses.

We champion NASN legislative priorities like the Nurses for Under-Resourced Schools Everywhere (NURSE) Act, during Hill Day. This targeted focus contributes to policies addressing critical issues, such as increasing the number of school nurses in under-resourced schools and aiming for concrete changes that make a real difference for students.

NASN directors take a leadership role in bridging the gap between health care and education. Our active engagement in Hill Day underscores the strategic vision of NASN, emphasizing the importance of integrating health and education to optimize student well-being and enhance learning outcomes.

Hill Day is crucial for communicating NASN legislative priorities related to school nursing practice and student well-being. By influencing decision-makers to prioritize and support policies that enhance student health and safety in educational settings, we contribute to the development of policies that truly benefit students across the nation.

NASN directors contribute to creating momentum and garnering support for key legislative initiatives during Hill Day. This involves actively demonstrating widespread backing for policies that positively impact school nursing practice, influencing lawmakers and stakeholders, and ensuring that our collective efforts lead to the development and implementation of policies supporting student well-being.

We can bring the lessons of Hill Day to our state affiliates. At the state level, school nurses play a crucial role in advocating for policies that support student health and safety. Engaging with state legislators, attending hearings, and participating in advocacy events are effective ways for school nurses to voice concerns and champion initiatives addressing the unique needs of their local communities. Active participation in state-level advocacy strengthens the overall impact, ensuring that school nurses’ concerns are heard and considered at multiple levels of governance.







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