Wipeout – Tossing & Catching Game for Physical Education

wipeout PE game

Wipeout is a tossing and catching game that is played on a volleyball court! Great for PE, summer camp, or recreational groups.


How to Play Wipeout

Split the class into 2 teams, 1 team on each side of the net. Only 1 player from each team begin on the court at one time. All other players are waiting in line to the side of the court.  Player A will toss the ball over the net, attempting to get the ball to land in the court on the opposite side of the net. Player B is attempting to catch the ball. Every time a player catches the ball, the next person in line comes onto the court (now there are 2 players on that side of the court).

The object of the game is to have a teammate catch a ball while all of their teammates are on the court. However, if the ball lands in-bounds on one side of the court, all of the players on the court at that time are “wiped out”. They go to the back of the line and the team must start all over with 1 player on the court. The first team to get all players on the court wins the game.

Wipeout Video

More About Game Time Camp

We begin our days with one of our YouTube energizers (created during the pandemic) which can be found if you search Kid Fitness Challenge on YouTube! We love to culminate most days with a large group game. On Fridays, we offer ice pops and culminate camp with a water balloon toss!! We are fortunate in Mahwah, NJ to have access to our district facilities. We hold camp at Joyce Kilmer School where we have two gyms, a cafeteria/auditorium and a very large upper grassy field area!

Game Time Camp was created by our K-5 Health & Physical Education Staff: Dena Scudieri, Jason Calhoun, Jason Schmitt, & Adam Szuch. This was our second year running our summer camp and we are looking forward to many more successful years to come!!!!!

game time PE campGame Time PE Camp staff

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