School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: Understanding Protective Factors for Promoting Children’s Well-being


Photo credit:CDC Protective Factors


Protective factors are individual or environmental characteristics that promote the health and emotional well-being of children and adolescents. They play a crucial role in helping children succeed despite adverse circumstances and can be enhanced to support positive health behaviors and buffer against the potentially harmful effects of negative situations and events. Here are the 5 protective factors for schools and their significance in promoting children’s well-being.

1. Caring Relationships

Caring and supportive relationships are fundamental protective factors that contribute to children’s resilience. These relationships, whether with parents, teachers, or peers, provide a sense of security and support, helping children navigate challenges and develop a positive self-image

2. High Expectations and Academic Standards

Setting high expectations and academic standards for children can significantly impact their belief in their abilities. When children are encouraged to strive for excellence, it fosters a sense of competence and resilience, enabling them to overcome obstacles and achieve success

3. Opportunities for Participation and Contribution

Providing children with opportunities to participate and contribute within their learning environment is a powerful protective factor. When children are actively engaged in the learning process and given a voice, it promotes a sense of belonging and encourages positive outcomes

4. Social and Emotional Climate

The social and emotional climate of a child’s environment significantly influences their well-being. A positive climate, characterized by respect, empathy, and emotional safety, fosters healthy social and emotional development, contributing to children’s overall resilience and well-being

5. Parent Engagement and Community Involvement

Parent engagement and community involvement are essential protective factors that support children’s well-being. When parents, schools, and communities work together to promote children’s health and development, it creates a supportive network that enhances children’s resilience and positive outcomes.

The Strengthening Families Five Protective Factor Framework


The school’s role in supporting these protective factors is multifaceted. Daily interactions with teachers and peers, involvement in structured and engaging learning activities, and exposure to positive role models all contribute to a child’s development of resilience. Schools that promote a positive and inclusive culture can create an environment where children feel connected and supported, which is instrumental in mitigating the impact of adverse circumstances.

Protective factors are not only relevant during times of adversity but also contribute to the overall well-being and positive development of children. By nurturing these factors, schools can be instrumental in not only helping children cope with challenges but also in preventing potential problems from arising in the first place.

By understanding and prioritizing these protective factors, we can create environments that promote children’s well-being and equip them with the tools they need to thrive, even in the face of adversity. These factors are instrumental in shaping children’s experiences and fostering their resilience, ultimately contributing to their long-term health and success. For more information, review the following resources:

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