School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: Creating a Cozy Nest for Wellness in Your School Health Office

As we dive into 2024 and gear up for a new year, the importance of connections in our school community cannot be overstated. Now, more than ever, fostering a sense of safety is crucial for everyone—students and educators alike. And guess what? As school nurses, we play a pivotal role in promoting this nurturing environment too!

One of the educators for whom I hold the highest regard is Lori Desautels, Ph.D. Her decades-long research in educational neuroscience is transforming schools across the country. Dr. Desautels’s most recent article, “A Project to Build a Sense of Safety and Connection,” was just published in Edutopia and proposes that school staff employ the concept of nesting building to improve connectedness and relationships.

I adapted the concept of nest building from Dr. Desautels’s phenomenal article and applied it to our school health offices. Think of building a nest – a safe haven where everyone feels secure and connected. As Dr. Desautels explains, birds and mammals gather materials with the intention, of constructing shelters for their young. What if we, as the caregivers of health and well-being in our school, borrowed this idea to purposefully craft environments that promote physical and emotional wellness?

What’s in Your Health Nest? (An interpretation for school nurses from the work of Dr. Lori Desautels)

Consider your health office as your nest. What elements, resources, and vibes do you need to make it a space of comfort and connection? This isn’t just about physical materials but also the values, traditions, and sensory experiences that contribute to a healing environment.

Reflect on what’s currently working well in your health nest. What would you like to add or remove? Maybe it’s time to infuse some new traditions or sensory elements that bring calmness during stressful moments.

Guiding Your Reflection (as described in the article):

  1. Values as Building Blocks: What values feel like strong materials for your health nest? Perhaps trust, empathy, or confidentiality?

  2. Beliefs and Comfort in Stormy Moments: What beliefs, feelings, or sensations could add stability to your nest during challenging times?

  3. Nurturing Rituals: Consider adding comforting traditions, languages, symbols, or rituals that fortify your health space.

  4. Letting Go of What Doesn’t Serve: Are there practices that have worn away the sides of your nest? Identify and release them.

  5. Community Strengtheners: Think of the broader school community. What places, people, experiences, and celebrations make your health nest stronger?

Turning Reflection into Action:

Now, let’s translate these reflections into a tangible representation. Create a cozy corner in your health office that embodies your health nest, a place where both students and staff can find comfort and support.

Empowering Students:

Once you’ve built and showcased your health nest, consider adapting this activity for students. By modeling the process and showcasing your strengths and resources, you empower them to design their nests of well-being. This becomes a powerful tool for them to tap into their autonomy and navigate moments of distress or frustration.

Remember, your health office is more than a physical space; it’s a haven for well-being and connection. Let’s make it a nest that truly nurtures and supports our school community.


A Project to Build a Sense of Safety and Connection,


Revelations in Education – Dr. Lori Desautels’s website


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