Be a Warrior in the Garden

Happy New Year, Good People!

Wishing you all the greatest of health and prosperity in 2022, of course, but I’m also pushing to challenge each and everyone of you, to challenge yourself!

You ever hear that one… It’s better to be a Warrior in a garden, than a gardener in war? Attack your day, attack this year. Unlock your greatest potential, no matter your circumstance.

No Fear in ‘22
Be Consistent
Be Present
Less Distractions
Set Goals and stick to ‘em
Make the Mornings yours
Drink more Water
Get more Sleep
Take more Walks
Keep Calm and eat more Fruits and Vegetables
Teach Kids how to say Please and Thank You!

Here’s to staying true, staying motivated. 2021 was a year of massive change for me personally and now I am pushing for that same kind of massive change and growth for AKASPORT in 2022.

Help push me and I will, you. Do it for your future… unlock the greatest potential in self and for all of those around you! Peace and Blessings, CS